Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 2015 Goals

Its September 1st, Time for GOALLLLLLLLSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Let's take a quick look at the goals for last month and what I accomplished of them.

August 2015 Goals

1.Complete Analysis of qPCR data
2. Write Results
3. Complete Chapter 2
4. Complete Thesis
5. Schedule New Defense Date
6. Get TA position for the fall
7. Drink some delicious Flying Bike beer. 

How I did:

1. I'm really close. We've got most if not all of the qPCR data that we're going to use for chapter 2. I have written an R script to run through the average Ct data and produce statistics and graphs for it. I'm tidying it up today so I can basically say this one is done. 

2. This will be done in the next two weeks now that the Analysis is basically done. 

3. This will be done in the next two weeks.

4. See 2 & 3.

5. New Defense date is October 14th at 11 am.

6. Still trying to find one. Waiting to hear about the Intro R TAship.

7. The brewery opened and the beer is delicious!

September 2015 Goals

1.Complete Results, Chapter 2, Thesis
2. Sending Draft of thesis to committee (mid Sept)
3. Begin preparations for defense presentation
4. Find TAship/Start TAing
5. Attend PCSGA (Network, view other presentations, work on presentation)
6. Submit Chapter 1 to JSR
7. Go camping!

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